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Since 2000, our company has specialized in supplying promotional and premium incentive products all over the world.High quality and unrivaled cost have successfully strengthened our client's marketing efforts. We can accept orders according to the customer's samples. In customer's samples, request about the assorted pattern, specification and package of the needed goods can be indicated particularly. We carry a full line of high quality products. Each of them can be completely customized to fit your specific needs:Lanyards, Neck straps, Mobile phone straps, Glass straps, ID pouches, products of accessories & more with innovative ideas. As an expert in the promotional and premium incentive products field, we offer various suggestions to meet your need. Our team keeps developing and creating new ideas that strengthen and improving your marketing efforts. High quality, competitive pricing and on-time delivery services. So whatever your Lanyards needs, our products can be made to meet your requirement for different usage. Welcome to your enquiry ! 商铺网址:http://nineapex.cn.vooec.com
手机版网址:http://m.vooec.com/c_nineapex.html 主营业务:莆田九峰实业有限公司座落于中国福建省莆田市,是一家专业生产广告挂带、手机带、手腕带,眼镜带、宠物带、鞋带、PP背包带、涤纶花边带、硅胶带,工业用带等产品的综合型企业,主要生产工艺为热转印、丝印、提花、织标等,并可根据客户提供的样品和图样生产。产品主要销往欧美市场,并同时致力于新产品、新市场的开发。现我公司产品规格齐全,价位适中,能满足不同市场和客户的需求。 随着我国加入WTO,给我们出口型企业带来更多机遇和挑战,同时也为企业创造了公平竞争的环境,我们将跟随新形势,持续改善,加强企业内部管理,降低成本,提升品质,愿为广大客户提供更多更好的服务!愿与海内外客户携手并进!共创辉煌! 经营模式:
生产型 成立年份:2000年 |
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